Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Down for the Count

It always seems like whenever I get injured it always seems to be doing something mundane. Most people come off of injuries with at least a daring story.

Their stories generally begin something like this, "it was the fourth quarter with seconds to go...", "we were rappelling down El Capitan when...", or "when we reached 12,000 feet, I double-checked my parachute...". It seems like when someone I know gets injured, it's doing something awesomely cool.

Not me. My injuries are always mundane. Broke a finger playing catch. Broke a wrist with a simple fall. Most famously: broke an ankle by stepping off a curb. (My friends, who were there, didn't even believe anyone could break an ankle stepping off a curb and made me walk on it for six blocks.)

My latest injury is no exception. Nothing exciting, nothing daring. I'm not sure exactly what I did, but I suspect I hyper-extended my knee. Since it was 9:30p and I needed to hit the hay, I opted for a quick mile instead of a longer run. I hopped on the treadmill and within a few minutes had put in my distance. As I hit the 3 mph button to go into cool-down my knee caught and I felt it pop in a very unnatural way. Down I went, unable to even release the safety cord to stop the machine. I laid there in pain, my feet dragging on the still running treadmill.

I've now been limping along on it for five days and only now starting to wonder if I ought to see a doctor about it. When I tell him my story about this injury, at least I'll be spared the embarrassment of having to say "stepped off a curb" at any point in the conversation.


Annieofbluegables said...

You get yourself to see a doctor RIGHT NOW
::this is your mother speaking::
Go see my knee doctor. You need a scope. This is what happened to me, exactly like it, except I was on the street, running after the woman who had the Olympic torch so I could get a picture. Needless to say, I stood there among the oncoming crowd chasing the same torch, unable to walk, or move. I had literally seen stars and heard a pop, even in that noisy environment. That was a Tuesday. Wednesday, Sailor took off work and took me to see this Dr in your nearby town. Thursday I got it scoped. Some cartilage had broken lose and needed to be vacuumed out. It won't heal until that is done.
GO GET IT SCOPED!!@!!!!!! or as your little sister (the nurse) would say, "get her done!"

Katie said...

that blows- i'm sorry you have an injury. i have been lucky and haven't really had many. but the few i have had have not been fun. let me know what happens. i hope it just needs a little rest. :)

Sailor said...

Yikes!!! Sorry to hear about that... I am still babying my shoulder from tossing a sheet of plywood onto the porch roof.

Annie is right- get'er done. Sounds like a scope job to me.

Mike said...

oh no! I am also of the school of getting things fixed. GO SEE A DR! I hope you get better soon.